smartphone may raise the risk of ADHD risk in teenagers - ThulirKalvi Blogs


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smartphone may raise the risk of ADHD risk in teenagers

Smartphone has become an integral part of our life but it delivers many harmful results. According to a study, Teenagers who frequently use smartphones and other digital devices are at a higher risk of developing attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) which is a brain disorder with symptoms that include a pattern of inattention, hyperactive behaviour and impulsiveness that interferes with functioning or development. 

 Adam Leventhal, a professor at the University of Southern California in the US said, What is new is that previous studies on this topic were done many years ago, when social media, mobile phones, tablets and mobile apps didn't exist, New, mobile technologies can provide fast, high-intensity stimulation accessible all day, which has increased digital media exposure far beyond what's been studied before," Leventhal said. The findings have ramifications for parents, schools, technology companies and paediatricians concerned that tech-dependent teens are driven to distraction or worse. "We can't confirm causation from the study, but this was a statistically significant association," Leventhal said. He further said ,"We can say with confidence that teens who were exposed to higher levels of digital media were significantly more likely to develop ADHD symptoms in the future"

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