Ways to fight diabetes without medication - ThulirKalvi Blogs


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Ways to fight diabetes without medication

Ways to fight diabetes without medication Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases in which the person has high blood glucose (blood sugar), either because insulin production is inadequate, or because the body's cells do not respond properly to insulin, or both. Here are some ways to prevent diabetes..

 Almonds and walnuts Almonds and walnuts prevent diabetes by regulating blood glucose. 

According to studies, eating almonds before a meal helps regulate blood sugar levels. Adequate sleep Get at least seven hours of sleep daily. 

A University of Chicago study found that people who slept for less than six hours each night were at a higher risk of diabetes. Exercise At least 30 minutes of your day should be dedicated to exercise. 

It could be anything from walking to swimming. Regular exercise helps in reducing insulin resistance. Green tea As per studies, green tea regulates glucose levels in the body. 

It reduces complications associated with diabetes, such as cataract and cardiovascular disease, and promotes weight loss. Beans Consumption of beans can help regulate blood glucose and insulin levels. They can help prevent diabetes, or minimize its effects in those diagnosed with the disease. 

 Blueberries Consuming blueberries might help reduce the risk of diabetes, with the added benefit of helping you lose belly fat. ЁЯМРЁЯЩПDear AdminsЁЯЩЛ‍♂ЁЯЩЛ‍♀ Do you want to get ЁЯМ▒ThulirKalviЁЯФ░UpdatesЁЯЦе on Your ЁЯд│WhatsApp Group, PleaseЁЯЩП Add this NumberЁЯУМ9⃣3⃣4⃣4⃣1⃣1⃣8⃣0⃣2⃣9⃣ЁЯУМЁЯНВ

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